

Huba Control Acknowledges Addition of Wise Road Capital to U.S. Department of Commerce's Entity List

Huba Control AG is aware that Wise Road Capital has been added to the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Entity List on December 2nd. As a company…


Huba at MCE Mostra 2024

Huba Control AG exhibits at MCE Mostra from 12. to 15. March 2024 in hall 3, booth R31. The trade fair presentation will focus on reliable pressure…


Huba Control AG announces CEO Transition

Mr. Weng Kuan (WK) Tan will assume the position of CEO with immediate effect. This decision follows the resignation of Dr. David Achermann, who is…


New Branch opened in Italy

We are pleased to announce that as of September 1, 2023, our branch in Italy has been established.


Huba Control goes China

Le premier coup de pioche tant attendu pour notre expansion en Chine est désormais posé.


Nouveau Produit 555

Transmetteur de pression 555 0 ... 40 – 900 bar


Recertification SN EN ISO 14001:2015 and SN EN ISO 45001:2018

The Bureau Veritas recertifies Huba Control AG.


Huba Control Sensors for industrial automation

Products of Huba Control AG are used in many different ways in industrial automation.


Nouveau Produit 699M

Capteur de pression différentielle type 699M 0 ... 500 – 7000 Pa


Ceramic Cantilevered beam technology

The Cantilevered beam technology.


Vous recherchez un modèle 3D?

Dans la partie téléchargement vous trouverez les modèles CAO les plus utilisés de nos transmetteurs, pressostats et débitmètres. Si vous ne trouvez…


Nouveau Produit 519

Capteur de pression type 519 - 0 ... 0.4 – 60 bar