Cantilevered beam technology

The cantilevered beam measuring principle developed by Huba Control is the most reliable technology for the measurement of low pressure in highly demanding environments in terms of accuracy and long-term stability.




The operating principle is described as follows: the pressure to be measured, is applied on the surface of the diaphragm which is absorbed and transmitted to the cantilevered beam. The resulting bending on the cantilevered beam produces a deformation on the piezoresistive resistances, which at the same time results in a transformation on the resistance values.


This change on the resistance values is proportional to the applied pressure and is transmitted and processed as an electrical voltage signal output. As a result, a mechanical value (pressure) is converted into an electrical signal, which can be later processed.






Benefits of the Huba Control cantilevered beam technology:


  • Excellent accuracy and long-term stability
  • Able to operate in polluted air or air containing small dust particles, especially appropriate for dust environments
  • Suitable for standard HVAC and VAV applications
  • Less influence on temperature changes
  • No maintenance needed
  • Reliable technology, more than 10 million sensors currently in operation worldwide
Cantilevered beam technology